Our Products



    KESODRIN V-4 GRANULES AND KESODRIN V-4 LIQUID is neither pesticide nor fertilizer. It is a non toxic agrochemicals like Enzymes and Hormones etc. used in the field. However, the normal precautionary and safety methods should be undertaken.
  • Product Package

    Now available 10KG Granules Packing from our Distributor
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  • Iformation Of Product Usage

    Kesodrin V-4 Granules and Liquid as per the company's recommendation in the base before sowing any crops.
  • KESODRIN V-4 Product Detail Information

    Mode of Action of Kesodrin V-4 Granules and Liquid

    Kesodrin V-4 Granules application makes the coating on the roots due to which the fungus which is harmful, due to no favorable atmosphere at the soil get weak and hence the fungus growth is prevented and the disease is controlled. The Granules has slow release action and is absorbed by plants through roots on soil apply. And provides protective shield against sucking insects and fungal pathogens. This keeps the roots sustainable in water logging conditions.
    Due to the natural vegetable, proteins and essential oil which having some insecticidal and fungicidal properties, the plant is prevented from the Bacterial, viral and fungal diseases. In many cases it is curative and also preventive action. Also due to the harmonal acids content the plants are free from pathogens &hence fungus controlled.